Sunday, February 16, 2014

Music Appreciation

I love music. I listen to music most of the time. I like a wide range of genres. Although not so much into country and rap, I have those genres in my collection as well. Although I have my musical preferences, I don't knock any music. If people like it, it's OK by me. There are just 2 areas where I sometimes have issues.

Although I have no issues with musical styles, I sometimes have issues with lyrics. For instance, I have a large heavy metal collection. But some bands' lyrics are too negative. Violent and hateful lyrics are a turn-off for me. That's not to say that some of the negative lyrics don't always fit. They sometimes do. There are real issues in the world and some musicians attempt to portray them in various ways. I'm OK with that. I do like provocative and progressive lyrics. But I also like light weight lyrics. I don't think that lyrics have to mean much.  In general, I tend to treat vocals as instruments.  So I tend not to focus so much on what is being said.  But I try to at least know what the general focus is.  I tend to not want to support people, including musicians, who promote violence, hatred, racism, sexism, supernaturalism or eccessive emphasis on drugs. Some say that I take what people say too seriously.  But I think that lyrics are more important than some people think.  Songs tend to be repeated. Over time, lyrics are sometimes incorporaterd into people's thoughts.

I have problems with sound invasion.  Most people are respectful of others enough to adjust their volumes to levels which do no become invasive to neighbors. Although I make no judgement on musical styles, everyone has preferences. Plus people who play music or TV so loud that neighbors hear them disregard the point that others may be listening to something else. I will admit that some music sound great loud.  But living near people, like in apartments, requires respect for neighbors.