Saturday, May 18, 2019

Pro-abortion is Pro-life

In a way, this is a response to Busy Philipps' 1 in 4 tweet. That was specifically addressing women who had an abortion. So I did not think that it was appropriate to directly respond to the tweet. I am a guy whose partner had an abortion. I was in agreement. We were in a rather bad state at the time to be parents. We both had experiences with bad parents. So we were sensitive to how our current lifestyles would negatively impact the life of the child.

I am pro-choice. For a large chunk of a pregnancy, it is more of a medical condition than a separate life. So it should be fully up to the woman to decide. But I go as far as to say that I am pro-abortion. There are a number of reasons for this. I am very much aware of how the quality of one's childhood seriously impacts the quality of adulthood. In addition to being old enough to see bad lives come out of bad childhood influences and experiences, I also had difficulties with having had parents. They were not bad people but they were not good parenting candidates.

Another reason for being pro-abortion is an understanding of the medical side. Most abortions are done when there is no child. So early stage abortions are completely ethical. Later stage abortions do move into a grayer area. But laws about late stage abortion should be based on medical and scientific understandings rather that beliefs. That segways into another reason for being for abortions. I have no supernatural believes. I do not believe that souls exist. So no souls are harmed with abortions.

Quality over quantity is a big reason for my pro-abortion stance. Too many people are born into bad circumstances, many of which are actually due to overpopulated areas. Once people are born, I believe they should have as many options for a good life as possible. Unfortunately, too many people have no such options.

I believe that widely available birth control and abortion options raise the quality of life. This leads me to think about an hypocrisy among the anti-abortionists. Many of them speak of the sanctity of life yet are not into devoting enough resources to the quality of life. Then they believe in ending lives when the quality of life affects bad enough behaviors.

In my opinion ...
Pro-abortion is pro-life.