Friday, July 4, 2014

Don't stop learning or thinking

I saw a talk by a person who was saying to stop learning and start thinking.  The talk was problematic.  Learning and thinking are intricately involved.  My experience and reading indicates to me that excluding either leads people into false perspectives.  Just knowing things without adequate cognitive skills seems to stifle progress.  I have the opinion that some of the industrial and commercial abuses come from not taking cognition far enough.  in those cases, I refer to the cognitive ability to work out enough of the consequences of things.  But emphasizing thinking or rationalizing (not always the same thing) without adequate knowledge is foolish.  There is certainly bad "learning" where people are given false information.  But not looking at what is physically known and actually proven leads to pseudo knowledge.

I have doubts that there really is a true separation between learning and thinking.  But it is clear to me that there are bad learning and bad thinking.  But I think that the quality of both learning and thinking are tied together.

Speaking of bad learning and thinking, Some media are seriously foul.  We have commercials which tout things as fact which were basically made up.  We have "journalists", bloggers and vloggers stating things as fact which have either not been proven or have been proven wrong.  The 10% brain usage is an example  Even a casual study of actual neuroscience or biopsychology shows that the idea that we only use 10% of our brains is a myth.  Yet this is touted as fact  by many sources.

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