Tuesday, December 23, 2014

FDA changes rules regarding blood donations from men who had sex with other men

I just saw a news article on PBS about FDA's recent decision to change rules regarding who can donate blood.  For many years, a man could not donate blood if he admitted to ever having sex with another man.  An interviewee cited Italy as an example of a country who went the direction of individual risk assessments rather than a blanket ban.  There has been no appreciable increase in tainted blood from donations.  The FDA did not go that far.  The new rule is that men who admits to having sex with another man within the last 12 months prior to donation cannot donate.  This is significant.  I used to donate blood.  But, as a bisexual, I could not legally donate blood.  So I stopped donating blood after my first sexual relationship with another man.  I now have the option to do so during periods when my relationships are heterosexual.  I have never had a sexually transmitted infection of any kind.  Since this is the case, I was very frustrated that I was permanently excluded from donating blood.  I still do not think that the FDA went far enough.  All donated blood is tested for contamination anyway.  But at least the FDA has finally updated their rules to a more reasonable position.

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