Sunday, February 15, 2015

Moral Relativism

Moral relativism has been used as a reason for religion and belief in a god.  It has been said that lack of religion or belief in a deity leads to moral relativism.  It is argued that religions and deistic beliefs support a standard set of beliefs.

This argument is false.  It's actually backward.  Religions and belief in deities already have moral relativism.  In addition to religions having different sets of morals, so do different denominations and sects.  An example is how birth control is allowed by some christian denominations but not by others.  My mother switched from a pentecostal church to a baptist church because the pentecostal church believed that she was sinning when she remarried after having divorced my father.  Violent and deadly conflicts between muslim sects are additional evidence for existing moral relativism within religions.

I believe that morality / ethics become more standardized and evolved with the absence of religions in the process.  Religious immoralities such as witch hunts and homosexual killings are held in check by secular laws.

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