Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Music Appreciation: Tears For Fears Trilogy

This article refers to the following albums:

The Hurting orig.jpg
The Hurting (1983)

Tears for Fears Songs from the Big Chair.jpg
Songs from the Big Chair (1985)

Seeds of LoveLP.jpg
The Seeds of Love (1989)

There have been later albums. One of the duo used the band name for some of his work. Also, the duo reunited in the early 2000's. I am certainly not knocking the music during these periods. But I find the original trilogy of albums to be their best. And the 3 albums work together as a good set to listen in chronological order. Each album builds on elements from the previous one while moving into new territory, with The Seeds of Love being the pinnacle. I also think that the albums have aged quite well, especially The Seeds of Love.

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