Sunday, June 17, 2018

My fears of religions

Fear is not necessarily phobia. A phobia is an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. Yes, that fits the fear which some people have. But I believe that there are some specific fears of religions which are rational and valid. This is not a comprehensive list nor one in any particular order.  This is just some thoughts which I wanted to write in response to a recent event. I may add to this when I have time. That being said, the first one is probably my biggest fear. In a way, the fears which follow interconnect with the first one.

Fear of laws controlled by religion
There are countries with the death penalty for homosexuality. These are mostly based on Islamic law.  But homosexuality is illegal in Uganda based on Christian influence of law. As a bisexual, I would be killed in some areas. Some counties will kill a person like me who changes from the state religion. My atheism will get me killed in some countries. The anti-abortion motivations are mostly based on interpretations of religion. There's even heavy bias against general birth control based on supernatural beliefs. In addition to these things, limited rights of women, slavery and currently the separation of children from immigrant families have been justified by referencing the Bible.

Fear for women's rights
The texts of the Judaeo-Christian regions are male centric in the lighter areas and downright harsh toward women in other areas. Religion has been used to legally suppress women. The tide has turned in secular run countries. But religious states, especially the ones controlled by laws derived from the Abrahamic religions, are almost universally oppressive to women.

Fear for education
A lot of people believe that their "holy books" are absolutely accurate and without error. Any scientific or historical discoveries which contradict these writings are considered wrong and suppressible. Some people believe that biblical views should be taught on equal terms while others support outright bans of contradictory information. People have been executed for differing opinions.

Fear for the environment
Air and water pollution were very bad in many areas of the United States when I was a kid. There was resistance to laws to clean things up and keep them clean. Some of the opposition came from religious groups. I asked someone about his opposition. He replied that it's all wasted expense because the end times prophesied in Revelations are close. Recently, there have been movements by some Christians to promote the idea that striving for a clean environment is biblical. Other Christian groups were opposed to that and even claimed that environmentalism is sinful. Some oil companies saw the latter groups as potential allies and funded them.

Fear of the restriction and loss of critical thinking
Religion, by its very nature, relies on people not thinking through things. There are concerns by some religionists that they are on the losing side. That's not yet happened, in part because people are prevented from or conditioned to avoid seeing contradictory information. Of course, that is not exclusive to religion. But most promoters of religion have it in their best interests to hide facts and masquerade their own regressive perspectives as truth.

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