Monday, December 12, 2011


There came a time when I needed to rebuild my thinking about life.  My doubts were too great to go back to my old religious beliefs.  I tried out the other larger and even some obscure religious and supernatural beliefs.  But I found them all short on evidence.  I realized that the best option for me was to start with what I could verify.  I started with the point that, as far as I could determine, I existed in a physical form in a physical reality.  Yes, there were other perspectives that debated that.  But none of those could really be verified.  It appeared that I was a physical being in a physical dimension.  So I moved on from there.  After substantial experiences and studies, I came to the conclusion that everything is either physical or has a connection to the physical which must conform to some kind of consistency which maintains that connection to the physical.

Even down to the quantum mechanics level, we are still dealing with physical existence.  Any valid discussion, theories or beliefs about existence requires some relationship to physical existence.  I admit that there are theories far beyond my understanding but any proposals to me about matters of importance to my existence needs to relate their discussion to the physical existence.  So far, all discussions about gods, the soul, afterlife and other aspects commonly called the supernatural have failed to supply any testable theories of the connection to my physical existence.

This is substantially simplified for this article.  In early stages in new discoveries in physics, there are things that appear inconsistent.  But that has to do with our tool kits for examination.  As we develop better tool kits, we see more of how things work.  Some people might say that this partly answers why I don't understand the gods and my soul.  But it seems to me that, after such a long time, humanity would have developed or the gods would have supplied better tools than the badly written documents and insane acting purveyors of supernatural concepts.  After billions of years, how can the gods still expect us to take anything about their existence on faith?

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