Saturday, December 17, 2011

Why I am opposed to Religions

Although I disagree with beliefs in the supernatural and gods, I accept that there are subjective elements to most of our world views.  Many of us have fantasies and some people confuse fantasies with reality.  People often find comfort and elements of personal control via religion and supernatural beliefs.  Although I believe these comforts and controls can also be found via secular means, I am able to coexist with use of religion for personal reasons.  What I have difficulties with are the ways which religionists externalize their beliefs.  Too many people use their belief systems as control mechanisms not just for themselves but for other people.  They make decisions about physical and social matters based on their filters of belief, often harming people and the planet in the process.  These parasites of illusion invade governments, schools and other institutions.  They attempt to use the government and schools to force their views and biased rules on other people and future generations.  Too many of them are willing to kill people over differing views.

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