Sunday, May 7, 2017

Movie Review - Passengers (2016)

My sci-fi preference is for hard science fiction.  I like as much science accuracy as possible.  In that vein, I also prefer psychological realism.  I can't relate if the portrayal of what people do and say are too far out of sink with how they would really act.  I have gotten more selective with what I watch because of these things.  I dislike being disappointed after I watch a movie or read a book.  For instance, I disliked Star Wars Force Awakens.  I'm even a bit forgiving toward the prequels.  But I think that Force Awakens stretched coherence too far.  But that deserves its own post.

I just watched Passengers (2016).  I had reservations because multiple reviews illustrated how much of the science was wrong and about the abusive action of Pratt's character.  But I liked the idea that it didn't have any intentional antagonists.  So I rented it.  Yes, it did get rather loose with the science.  But I thought that it had a compelling story and interesting character portrayals.  I thought that the positives outweighed the negatives.  You see, another thing with which I've gotten bored is the antagonist / protagonist method of story telling.  Some people claim that Pratt's character is the antagonist. But I think of the character as being someone who intends to be a good guy but makes a horrible mistake. 

The end result is that I felt that Passengers had enough for me to consider it to be enjoyable science fiction.  It had a good concept, generally good story progression, likable characters and no enemies.  That being said, it really could have done better by the science without being detrimental to the story.  But I will watch it again.

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